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德拉諾商業廣場德拉诺商业广场Delano Marketplace

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Delano Marketplace 1b

DMP 1b Limited Partnership will be an investor in the Delano Marketplace development project under YK America Regional Center. The Limited Partnership will invest in the development and management of four commercial buildings which will bring new job-creating enterprises to Delano Marketplace. Currently under lease negotiation is McDonald’s Corporation, which will occupy Pad 2, located at the project entrance corner. A second drive-thru pad is located adjacent to McDonald’s, designed to attract a nationally recognizable fast food chain. Located behind the front pads are two retail buildings that will attract national as well as local businesses ranging from retail, office and food uses. [table id=4 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=226]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P3) Location: Pad 3[/one_half_last]


Delano Marketplace 1c

DMP 1c Limited Partnership will be an investor in the Delano Marketplace development project under YK America Regional Center. The Limited Partnership will invest in the development and management of five commercial buildings which will bring new job-creating enterprises to Delano Marketplace. Pad 2 has been leased to Panda Express, and adjacent Pad 1 is reserved for a sit-down national franchise restaurant. A gas station and convenience store is proposed for the corner lot, with two additional retail buildings planned behind them. These retail buildings are designed to attract national as well as local businesses ranging from retail, office and food uses. [table id=7 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=228]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P2-n) Location: Pad 2[/one_half_last]


Delano Marketplace 1d

DMP 1d Limited Partnership will be an investor in the Delano Marketplace development project under YK America Regional Center. The Limited Partnership will invest in the development and management of one commercial building which will bring new job-creating enterprises to Delano Marketplace. Current tenant include Army Recruiting Center and ACE Cash Express. Future tenants include Western Dental and Verizon Wireless. Located on the corner of Woollomes Ave and Garzoli Ave, Pad 4 is the most visible building as one approaches the Delano Marketplace project from Highway 99. The adjoining development that includes a Walmart Supercenter has brought superior tenants and increased revenue for this retail development. [table id=10 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=229]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P4-n) Location: Pad 4[/one_half_last]

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德拉诺商业广场 1b

DMP1b 有限合伙公司是美国YK区域中心德拉诺广场开发项目的投资者。合伙公司将投资、开发并管理4栋商业楼宇,其将带来新的、可以创造工作机会的企业进驻德拉诺广场。正在谈判中的麦当劳,将租赁2号区域,位於项目入口出角落。一个二车驶快速购餐通道区域与麦当劳毗邻,设计吸引了很多国际知名连锁快餐店。前面区域的後面是2栋零售建築,将吸引全国以及当地企业,做零售、办公及餐饮用途。[table id=9 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=226]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P3) Location: Pad 3 [/one_half_last]


德拉诺商业广场 1c

DMP1c 有限合伙公司是美国YK区域中心的德拉诺广场项目投资者。合伙公司计划投资、开发并管理5栋商业楼宇,将带来创造新的就业机会的企业进入德拉诺广场。2号区域已经租赁给熊猫快餐,相邻的1号区域预留给一个入座就餐的国际特许经营餐厅。一个加油站和便利店将建在角落处,在其後面计划建设2栋附加的零售楼宇。这些零售楼宇的设计是为吸引国际或当地商业,做零售、办公及餐饮使用。[table id=5 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=228]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P2-n) Location: Pad 2[/one_half_last]


德拉诺商业广场 1d

DMP1d 有限合伙公司是美国YK区域中心的德拉诺广场项目投资者。合伙公司将投资、开发及管理一栋商业楼宇,带来为德拉诺商业广场创造新的就业机会的企业。目前租户有募兵办公室,位於104房间。其他潜在租户包括咖啡店、零售及餐饮等租户。位於Woollomes Ave 和 Garzoli Ave 两条路交口处,4号区域是在99号高速公路上看德拉诺广场时最显著建築物。与沃尔玛超级市场的共同开发,无疑会带来一些优质的租户并为零售业的发展增加收入。[table id=13 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=229]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P4-n) Location: Pad 4[/one_half_last]

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德拉諾商業廣場 1b

DMP1b 有限合伙公司是美國YK區域中心德拉諾廣場開發項目的投資者。合伙公司將投資、開發並管理4棟商業樓宇,其將帶來新的、可以創造工作機會的企業進駐德拉諾廣場。正在談判中的麥當勞,將租賃2號區域,位於項目入口出角落。一個二車駛快速購餐通道區域與麥當勞毗鄰,設計吸引了很多國際知名連鎖快餐店。前面區域的後面是2棟零售建築,將吸引全國以及當地企業,做零售、辦公及餐飲用途。[table id=8 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=226]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P3) Location: Pad 3 [/one_half_last]


德拉諾商業廣場 1c

DMP1c 有限合伙公司是美國YK區域中心的德拉諾廣場項目投資者。合伙公司計劃投資、開發並管理5棟商業樓宇,將帶來創造新的就業機會的企業進入德拉諾廣場。2號區域已經租賃給熊貓快餐,相鄰的1號區域預留給一個入座就餐的國際特許經營餐廳。一個加油站和便利店將建在角落處,在其後面計劃建設2棟附加的零售樓宇。這些零售樓宇的設計是為吸引國際或當地商業,做零售、辦公及餐飲使用。 [table id=6 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=228]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P2-n) Location: Pad 2[/one_half_last]


德拉諾商業廣場 1d

DMP1d 有限合伙公司是美國YK區域中心的德拉諾廣場項目投資者。合伙公司將投資、開發及管理一棟商業樓宇,帶來為德拉諾商業廣場創造新的就業機會的企業。目前租戶有募兵辦公室,位於104房間。其他潛在租戶包括咖啡店、零售及餐飲等租戶。位於Woollomes Ave 和 Garzoli Ave 兩條路交口處,4號區域是在99號高速公路上看德拉諾廣場時最顯著建築物。與沃爾瑪超級市場的共同開發,無疑會帶來一些優質的租戶並為零售業的發展增加收入。[table id=11 /] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [widgetkit id=229]DMP1-Key-Map-Model-(P4-n) Location: Pad 4[/one_half_last]